How a few seconds can save your life during
a disaster.
How a multi-hazard early warning system can
provide those seconds.
About Us
early warning systems today are either not available or extremely
ineffective. The Company was created because disasters cause avoidable
and unnecessary death and property damage that could be significantly
reduced with effective early warnings.
Our focus is on the important few minutes before the impact of
natural and manmade disasters when responses can be taken to minimize
damages to people and property. Our goal is to provide early warnings
of all hazards to create effective response actions to disasters
before impact and dramatically reduce their effects on our lives
and property.
Disaster Warning Network, Inc. seeks to create the world’s
first truly effective early warning system
for protecting lives and property from the damaging effects of both
natural and manmade disasters. It will provide real time early warning
alerts in advance of the impact of disasters and hazards such as
tornadoes, lightning storms, tsunami, floods, wild fires and
earthquakes. Early warnings will also be given for industrial, chemical,
and biological accidents, as well as intentional terrorist actions.
Most potential threats to human life and property will be included
in the system.
Our Mission

corporate mission is to reduce deaths, injuries, and property damages
caused by all natural and manmade disasters. We will do this by
providing effective early warnings of these disasters at a very
small cost to all persons, businesses, and public locations.
Business Model
The Disaster Warning Network is based entirely on "Network
Economics" and will serve as a "central operating system"
aggregating a wide sensor and information network of diverse disaster
data sources. The Disaster Early Warning Network will be a wireless
communications content provider sending early warnings to subscriber
customers over any type of wireless point to multi-point data network.
Revenues will be generated by value added subscriber fees from customers,
and by licensing/royalty fees generated from product manufacturers
licensed to embed products to receive the early warning signals.
Customers potentially include every person, business, and public
location that faces danger from some or all of these disasters.
How it works
Disaster early warning signals are sent to subscribers
in real time in advance of the impact of disasters. The early warning
signals (1) provide time for people to take response actions, and
(2) initiate a wide variety of automated pre-programmed response
actions by devices to mitigate the harmful effects of disasters.
The wireless data created by the company is both device and network
agnostic and is transmitted:
- Over any type of wireless point to multi-point data network

(PCS, 3G, 4G, WiMAX, LTE, satellite, local loop, fixed, digital radio,
digital television etc.)
- To any type of embedded wireless consumer device
(e.g. cell phones, pagers, smart phones, laptops, TV’s, radios,
etc. )
- To any type of R/F enabled commercial or industrial controller
(e.g. data systems, AC systems, elevators, fuel systems, generating
plants, CNC arrays, public transport, etc)
The Benefit to our Customers
These early warnings will result in very large reductions in
human and property losses caused by natural and manmade disasters.
Floods, fires, tsunami, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes,
and all other disasters occur frequently but are soon forgotten.
What is always present is a need for effective early warnings
of these disasters to mitigate human and property losses.
Governmental bodies and the UN are now finally acknowledging
the need for and benefits from disaster early warnings.
Just a few of the many are:
See - United Nations' International Strategy for
Hazards Reduction
See - USA - FEMA proposal for
National Disaster and Hazard Alert Network
See - European Commission and UN
Global Disaster Alert System
See - US Government Subcommittee on
Natural Disaster Information
We intend to fill this need and are actively seeking
long term capital and strategic technology partners with
the goal of creating a world wide delivery system for disaster
early warnings. We encourage your participation if you have
a long term interest in wireless content delivery or embedded
consumer and industrial devices for receipt of warning signals.
See US Patents issued and made available exclusively
to the Disaster Warning Network, Inc.
See -
USA Patent issued for Disaster Early Warning System
See -
USA Patent issued for Wide Area Disaster Early Warning System
The DWN has a proprietary defensible technology that
fills a universal need in a global market. It will create
and license a highly scalable valuable content that provides
huge opportunities for wireless networks and many types
of consumer and industrial devices. It will also generate
large revenues, create strong competitive barriers, AND
will dramatically reduce losses to lives and property on
a global basis. “Doing well and doing good”
excites us, and we hope this information has sparked an
interest in you.
