"The time has come to create an effective
early warning system for disasters"
By John Flanagan, The Disaster Warning Network,

IF - you are in your home, workplace, shopping in a market,
asleep in your bed, in a car or public transportation, or watching
television, and
- An earthquake occurs in your area
- A tornado or violent wind storm is heading your way
- A severe lightning storm is nearing your location
- A tanker truck or rail car loaded with a toxic liquid overturns
near you and the deadly fumes are heading your way
- A Tsunami has started 500 kilometers away and is going to
impact the beach near your location
ARE YOU – likely to receive any kind of effective
early warning that could save your life from the effects of these
disasters ?
The simple and often tragic answer is NO… And now we have the
chance to make a change.

- Billions of dollars are properly spent each year for necessary
mitigation responses by police, fire, military, and emergency personnel
to save lives and property from the damaging effects of both natural
and manmade disasters. The vast majority of these efforts are all
directed to reducing the impact on people and property
after a disaster has occurred. These efforts are
effective and have great real value.
Until this time however, very little
effort is made to mitigate disasters before
their impact. All first responders’ claim the first
few minutes after a disaster are the most important
time to reduce the impact on people and property. Correct information
and fast response are of utmost importance when responding to disasters
after they occur.
We know from experience the last few minutes before
the impact of a disaster is also of utmost importance
to reduce the effects on people and property. It is the last few
minutes before disaster impact when actions can be taken to avoid
or lessen effects. Duck, cover, escape, hide, move, close up, slow,
and stop, are some of the many responses we can take when confronted
by disasters. Coal mine canaries, Church & Temple bells, air raid
sirens, and smoke alarms, set the early warning standards for past
generations. They were effective for their time and now it is time
to create a truly effective early warning system for the 21st century.

Technology has changed - We now enjoy a convergence
of enabling technologies allowing effective early warnings for almost
all kinds of natural and manmade disasters. This intersection of
existing technologies now makes it possible to receive warnings
and respond to these disasters before their impact in a highly effective
manner to dramatically reduce their impact on our lives.
Prime Directive for Disaster Early
WHAT IS REQUIRED - A truly effective
early warning system requires that we maximize the use of
our existing technologies. Failure to provide adequate early
warning of disasters is a failure of ALL societies to recognize
their ethical and moral obligations to their members.
effective early warning system requires ALL of the following
conditions to be met:
Early warnings must be delivered:
● For all natural and all manmade disasters
● At all times, to all places, only to those in need
● To all devices capable of creating a successful mitigation
Specific Necessary Elements are required to meet the
Prime Directive for an effective Early Warning System.
All of these elements must be in place and work in combination:
The primary delivery method for warning signals must
be wireless (R/F), point to multipoint.
- Transmission of early warnings must be done by the
most reliable method possible during disasters.
- Landlines (Public Switched Network)
do not have real time capacity or robustness required for directed
real time warnings to large numbers of users during disasters.
- Internet related (Ethernet) systems
are subject to overload, power failures, and significant latency
(delays) during disasters.
Receiving devices must be always capable of receiving
early warning transmissions.
- Receiving devices must always be capable of receiving a
signal to initiate immediate mitigation response.
- R/F signal must have priority access over other transmissions
with priority overrides and short burst packets.
- Receivers must have battery power capability during times
of power interruptions.
System must include a wide variety of receiving devices
capable of generating both human and automated responses.
- Different disasters require different levels and types
of responses.
- Some disasters such as earthquakes have
very short warning times requiring completely automated responses
between sensors, activators, and a hierarchy of controlling
computers to properly mitigate damages without human intervention.
- Human responses need to be backed
up with pre-programmed responses from devices to act on their
behalf when human responses are not available, reliable, or
effective. E.g. people sleep, may be unavailable, forget responses,
or simply ignore warnings.
System must perform real time data collection and pattern
analysis for all types of natural and manmade disasters to enable
effective early warnings for all potential threats.
This creates an “All Hazard Warning” capability to:
- Provide a single delivery source and prevent duplication
of hazard warning devices for users.
- Standardize responses for more effective
human interface.
- Allow more efficient allocation
of resources and lower overall network costs and costs to users
System must eliminate false warnings.
- Elimination of false warnings maximizes authenticity
of warnings when received.
- Effective warnings require those warned to have a
high degree of belief that their life and/or property are in
danger so that warnings are not ignored. When warned, they respond.
- Warnings must be sent only to those users in actual
danger from a disaster event in progress.
System must eliminate failed warnings.
- Early warnings must always be given when needed. If imminent
danger exists a warning must always be sent. An effective early
warning system requires users to have a high degree of certainty
that warnings will always be issued when danger is present.
- This requires the following system capabilities:
- Real time knowledge of the magnitude, location, speed,
and direction, of all disaster events.
- Real time knowledge of location information (long/lat)
for all system users.
- Every type of hazard must be analyzed
- Real time processing capability must be available
to determine all users, and only those users, in actual danger
from a disaster event before impact to users.

IN SUMMARY - The effective early warning system
of the 21st century must utilize specific existing technologies
in combination, and as a single network, in order to efficiently
aggregate sensed data and users.
The central technologies to be utilized are in place
and available today.
- REMOTE SENSING - Real Time remote sensing must be done for
all hazard events to determine magnitude, location, speed, and
direction, of disasters as they are occurring.
- GEOGRAPHIC LOCALIZATION - Real Time geographic location
determination (long/lat) of each user must be done to determine
who should receive warnings.
information (attributes) for each user must be done to determine
who should receive early warnings and determine proper mitigation
- PERVASIVE COMPUTING - In place embedded R/F controllers
(intelligence at the periphery) must enable a wide variety of
electrical devices to receive early warnings and create both
human and automated responses.
- PERVASIVE COMMUNICATIONS - Point to multi-point wireless
data communications must be ready all the time, everywhere,
to everything; and thus to everyone.

THE PAST – The past is the foundation we use
to build for the future. Every century has had its defining icons
signifying early warning systems. Mine canaries are in the distant
past. For the last century, the cutting edge technologies were represented
by “air raid sirens” and smoke alarm systems.
Fire and smoke alarm systems were created in the early 1970’s from
research and efforts created by the Apollo moon program. Early semiconductor
technology enabled inexpensive particulate and heat sensors to be
placed in widespread usage in all commercial, business, public,
and private structures. These systems operate automatically to detect
the presence of smoke or fire when it is in the very early stages.
They are trusted devices. The enjoy UNIVERSAL USAGE
because of their success in reducing death and property damages,
these systems are universally mandated by legislative and insurance
Cities require smoke and fire alarm systems because they
save lives and reduce first responder costs. Insurance companies
require them because they reduce damages to property and lower claim
costs. All commercial entities require them because of liability
issues for failure to properly protect occupants.
When smoke or fire is detected, these systems automatically perform
a wide variety of predetermined actions. /p>
SSome of these actions are designed to create a human response
and include:
- Create a loud audible warning for all in danger to
- Turn on public address systems to inform those in possible
- Turn on emergency lighting and exit signs.
Other predetermined actions designed to create an automated response
- Turn on sprinkler systems.
- Open emergency exits.
- Unlock and open fire-fighting equipment
storage cabinets.
- Notification of 911 and local fire-fighting
emergency response units.
- Automated control of elevators and
air-conditioning systems.
Some of these actions require a human response and others operate
automatically without the need for human intervention. All actions
occur because we understand that the possibility of fire cannot
be eliminated, and we know that pre-planning, fast detection and
early warnings can eliminate unnecessary loss of lives and property.
And finally, fire and smoke alarm systems are limited to
the structures they are designed to protect. The Disaster
Warning System of the 21st Century will provide early warning protection
from most of the hazards and unpredictable excesses of our physical
environment on the earth and its atmosphere.

THE FUTURE - The Disaster Warning System of
the 21st Century will utilize the smoke and fire alarm analogy,
but is much different in size, scope, and beneficial effects. As
in smoke and fire alarm systems, the new system will be everywhere
around us and always ready to trigger predetermined actions in a
timely manner to save our lives and reduce damages to our property.
The Disaster Warning System of the 21st Century will be an everyday
fact of life for every person. And, it will be for all types of
natural and manmade disasters. The system will be ubiquitous, transparent,
and always available to protect our lives and property. It will
also be reliable and worthy of our trust.
- The natural disasters that will be detected include tornadoes,
earthquakes, lightning storms, floods, and tsunamis. Manmade disasters
such as chemical spills, biological releases, terror actions, and
nuclear accidents will also be detected.
and smoke alarm systems in our buildings, it will utilize a wide
variety of sensing and detection technologies to determine the presence,
in real time, of natural or manmade disasters in the outside world.
It will analyze the information about the disasters and send early
warning signals over a network of distributed transmitters to exactly
those selected areas and to exactly those selected users in actual
danger from an existing disaster.
To achieve maximum effectiveness the new system will benefit
from the “network effects” of very large scale. The system will
communicate highly time critical and totally scalable information
about the surrounding physical environment at all times and to everyone
who has been determined to have need and can benefit from the early
warning information.
- The early warning signals will be received by a wide variety of
common commercial and consumer electronic devices embedded with
network receiver/controller chips to receive the warning signals
and cause human or automated pre-programmed responses to mitigate
the effects of the disasters.
Many different types of mitigation response actions
will be initiated by the early warning signals from the Disaster
Warning System of the 21st Century. A few of the many types of actions
that will occur are shown below.
- Audible warning alarms will be initiated.
Warnings will be received on cell phones, pagers,
televisions, radios, computers, fire/smoke alarms, and any other
type of common communication device. The audible warnings will
advise the type of action necessary to minimize danger. Warnings
and instructions will be issued on public address systems.
- Automated pre-programmed actions will be initiated.
Any type of audible warning device that is in an
off position will be turned on and the volume turned up to receive
audible early warnings during all types of disasters.
Gas, fuel, and utility lines
to buildings will be controlled to prevent fires or explosions.
- Emergency lighting and generators will be initiated to prevent
panic and allow movement to lighted and opened exits.
- Basement shelters in apartment buildings, and reinforced
block shelters in mobile home parks will be opened to allow
shelter during tornadoes and severe storms.
- Computer networks, servers, and all electronic equipment
will be controlled during earthquakes and lightning storms to
prevent data losses and damaged equipment.
- Elevators will be controlled to prevent danger to
- Utility transmission infrastructure will be controlled
to prevent natural gas flares, water losses, and transformer
- Transportation controls will be implemented to slow
or stop traffic during an earthquake and to keep traffic off
and from under bridges and overpasses during earthquakes.
- Transportation controls will be initiated to control traffic
flows to speed emergency rescue efforts.
The disaster warning system of the 21st century will have the
capability to continuously track all warning receivers equipped
with a unique identification code. This will allow the network to
know the exact geographic position and geographic information for
every early warning receiver so equipped. /p>
AAs we know, the first few minutes after a disaster are
so crucial for first responders. These early warnings will
significantly improve response times and provide a very important
“head start”. For emergency response personnel such as rescue, fire,
police, and ambulance personnel, this will allow much quicker and
more accurate first response efforts and further reduce disaster
impacts on lives and property. The early warnings will reduce response
times and often allow emergency response efforts to start in an
area even before the disaster has occurred in that area.

As with fire and smoke alarm systems of today, the beneficial
social and economic effects of the early warnings will result in
legislative and insurance mandates for widespread usage in the following
types of locations:
- Homes, Schools, hospitals, and nursing homes.
- Businesses, industries, and utilities.
- Municipal and governmental infrastructure and public

The Disaster Warning System of the 21st Century will allow pre-planning,
fast detection, and early warnings for all types of natural and
manmade disasters. These early warnings will be directed to selected
areas and selected receivers, through a ubiquitous variety of receivers,
allowing an unlimited variety of mitigation responses to protect
lives and property.
Disasters cause much unnecessary death, injury, and property damage
in every country in the world that could be significantly mitigated
with effective early warnings. Quick adoption and usage of this
new Disaster Warning System will significantly reduce these effects
and add much value to all of our lives.

A flow chart of the proposed Disaster Early Warning System of the
21st century is shown below.
Additional information may be obtained from two US patents:
Patent # 5,910,763 – June 8, 1999 – “Area Warning System for
Earthquakes and other Natural Disasters”
Patent # 6,169,476 – January 2, 2001 – “Early Warning System
for Natural and Manmade Disasters”
