Too many lives and too much property are unnecessarily
destroyed because of failure to receive early warnings of
natural and manmade disasters.
The Disaster Warning Network has been created simply because
it is time to take serious action to reduce unnecessary deaths,
injuries, and property losses due to disasters. As a society, we
have all of the technology and communication tools necessary to
accomplish this goal.
Modern society has responded well to the threat of fires in
our homes, offices, and public facilities. We understand the
benefits of early warnings and how a combination of human and
automated responses can save our lives and reduce damage to our
To protect ourselves against smoke and fire we install
sensors, detectors, analyzers, and a wide variety of warning and
safety mechanisms in all of our structures. These systems
provide early warning alarms and provide a wide range of
automated actions such as opening emergency doors, calling 911,
turning on smoke venting systems, and turning on emergency
The beneficial effects of these actions are clearly seen by all.
The same type of technology tools are available to us today
to provide effective early warnings to protect against the
ravages of disasters.
As a society we now have the availability and access to a
wide range of analog sensing and detection devices which
effectively "digitize the physical world around us". Countless
government and private organizations have done much valuable
work to create all of the tools we presently need to detect in
real time the vast majority of physical disaster threats that
might threaten societies. Detection is not warning and we need
to complete the circle.
Huge increases in cheap computational power and complex
mathematical analytic software tools have been created during
the last decade. These same tools have allowed us to develop
huge reservoirs of data regarding past natural disasters that
allow real time "instantaneous" modeling and analysis of new
data obtained from the detection devices. Collecting data will
not save lives. We need to turn the data into information that
will be of real benefit to people.
We now enjoy a new and constantly increasing array of
communication devices and everyday electronic tools. These
"tools" are embedded in our everyday lives, and we embed them
with instructions about our "care and feeding" to make our lives
better in some fashion. We can use these tools to communicate
information about disasters in real time to all of those in
It is now time to put
detection, analysis, and early warnings together in one single
We have the ability to
greatly reduce the effects of disasters on lives and property
with effective early
warnings. Let us start now.
Thank you. The Disaster Warning Network, Inc.
